Full-Stack Developer

Highly motivated with a passion for learning.

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About Me

My name is Cristian Zendejas and I am a Full-Stack developer. I am proficient in HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript, Jquery, MySQL, Node.js, MongoDB, Express, & ReactJS. I enjoy the challenges of coding and I really look forward to learning more! When I'm not coding I love to lift heavy things and put them back down. I am a Marine Corps veteran with experiene working in teams and leardership skills that will help me accomplish any challenge that comes my way.







Click on the name to view the code. Click on the image to view the app itself.

Example Code
A team built fitness app that is able to log gym workout, and track a user's run. Using Google Maps API the app will track the user's current location and update as they move while highlighting the route taken.
Picture of App
Using Node.js and MySQL I was able to create a database that can hold inventory for a store/business. As items are depleted the database updates the quantity and also lets you add new items to the inventory.
Picture of App
This app uses HTML5/CSS3 with JS/Jquery to create an AJAX request to an API that will retrieve information for the user.
Example of code
The Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface(LIRI) app uses JS and Node.js to create a CLI based app that allows the user to search for songs,concerts,bands, and movies.
Picture of App
Using JS/Jquery, and HTML5/CSS3 the app takes in requests for game information and displays it for the user. It is capable of retreiving videos for that search as well. It also displays the top viewed games on Twitch.
Picture of App
Uses React.JS to create a memory game. It allows the user to click an image only once then shuffles the images. The goal is to click all the images only once!

Contact Information

Give me a call or send me an email!
